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  • Writer's pictureACG Medical

Benefits of Using a Rollator | ACG Medical

  • Provides Good Mobility solution

With four wheels, a rollator allows you to move smoothly on different terrains without strenuous efforts. It provides stability and balance and enhances your comfort, offering you an excellent mobility solution.

  • Comes With Seat and Backrest to Help You Rest When Tired

If you feel tired moving, you can lock your rollator’s brakes and sit or relax comfortably practically anywhere. Models with foldable backrests make it a breeze to transport the 4 wheeled rollator walkers.

  • Size Adjustments

Before buying a rollator, it is advisable to check out the handle height and choose one that has a comfortable handle height or that which comes with height adjustment options. A four-wheeled rollator offers you a wider range of adjustment options than a 3-wheeled rollator.

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